Rhino 6 to Twinmotion 2020 with New Direct Link Plug-in

Hi, few days ago, I just tried Rhino-Twinmotion Direct Link Plugin.
I think it’s working with no problem.

Japanise edition is here. (日本語版の元記事はこちら

Process video is here(YouTube):

Below, Direct Link’s setting and test result.

You can download Direct Link Plugin on the page.

After installed plug-in, you can see the Twinmotion 2020 tab on the menu bar in Rhino.

you can see the Twinmotion 2020 tab on the menu bar in Rhino.

If you would like to use DirectLink on toolbar space, you can appear Twinmotion toolbar use with command “Toolbar”.

First, I would like to check “Can I do DirectLink easily between Rhino 6 and Twinmotion 2020?”

Before start DirectLink, You should check Plugin setting that is here:

  • Merge option: Best way is “Merge by material”. Because they recommend.
  • Substitution: I recommend Checked.

Other setting is you can keep default or change as you like.

So, preparation is done.
Let’s try Direct Link.

You can see screen capture video from below embedded tweet.

Tesi 01: result:

  • As you can see in the video, I think DirectLink is working with no problem.

Test 02: Can I move objects in Rhino?

Next test, “When I move object in Rhino, Twinmotion according to that operation?”

You can also see screen capture below.

Test 02: result

  • If I move object in Rhino, Twinmotion according to that operation.
  • But, Twinmotion Objects like Scattered Trees, Rocks, and People are not accord.

Test 03: Object modifying and adding in Rhino.

You can see Tweet.

Test 03: result

  • No problem. If I modified and added objects in Rhino, Twinmotion according to that.

Test04: Save in Twinmotion.

Test 04: result

  • Overwrite [ctrl + S] is not working.
  • but you can do Save as [ctrl + shift + S] .


As a summary, I felt that the basic performance of direct link is guaranteed.

In the Twinmotion forum, there were some problems reported about operation between Twinmotion and Rhino, but I didn’t really feel that much.

If you actually use it a little more, some problems may arise.

Next time, I would like to try using GH-RHINO-TM cooperation. (If you like …)

See you soon.



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